District 2 Priorities for a Thriving Community

I seek to build a vibrant and sustainable future for District 2 and the entire community.

Keep the property tax rate as low as possible and tighten the use of public resources.

Protect ALL of our neighborhoods to ensure they are healthy, safe & clean; and that residents are not displaced, and historic areas are protected & restored.

Address neighborhood needs, including pedestrian safety, street & park maintenance, traffic hot spots, street lighting & abandoned buildings.

Improve city services by listening to residents and city staff regarding streets, public transportation & LIFT, animal services, libraries & museums, inspections, 311, affordable housing, & more.

Protect our health & environment, including our air quality, conserving our water, reducing rising heat & utility bills, more trees, and protecting natural & open spaces.

Collaborate with other government entities & nonprofits to support community members often forgotten: elders, people with physical and/or mental disabilities, members of the LGBTQIA community, people who are homeless, & immigrants.

Be accessible and accountable by listening to residents and addressing the needs of District 2; and keep working to adopt campaign finance reform to limit big money’s influence on city elections.